MSF-Technik Motor Control Unit

MSF-Technik Motor Control Unit

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Brand MSF-Vathauer Antriebstechnik

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The technology used in MSF-Technik Motor Control Unit avoid operational faults and increases operating cycles for the conveying system making it much more efficient and reducing servicing. It is available with either motor starter MONO-SWITCH or DUO-SWITCH. The motor starter MONO-SWITCH switches and controls one eletrical motor and the motor starter DUO-SWITCH switches and controls two different electrical motors separately.

Key advantages include: our plug and produce philosophy guarantees high equipment availability, minimal facility downtime during maintenance, variability of the equipment, even after installation, control possibilities: AS-i, Profibus, Profinet or binary, integrated energy management and integrated intelligence for accumulation conveyor systems without external control (SPS / IPC)

This is an Application based product and requires a discussion with our Technical Sales Team to ensure that the correct product is selected. Contact us or use the enquire now option.


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